
Hi everybody! My name is Snuff and I'm a Gund bear. Yep, that's right, a Gund bear. I'm awfully proud to be a Gund bear, but I'm also awfully proud to be one of Holly's bears and one of Bigfoot's friends. This week, Bigfoot asked me to write a story because I was the only one who volunteered. Those shy bears!

I've only been with Holly and her bears a short time (since about the middle of January), but I have grown to love and cherish her all the same. Unfortuntely, my story takes place before I even met Holly, way back when I was such a small little Gund...

I was born in a huge factory filled with lots of other Gunds, and it was scary! All those bears, big and small, were all there to welcome me, but I was scared to be in such a big place. One bear, Snuffles, came over to me and took me under his wing and taught me the ropes of the Gund factory. Oh, he was such a nice friend!

One day when I was playing with some other Snuffs, an order came in and a big scary-looking person came and took me away from my friends. I was so sad to be leaving them, big heavy tears ran down my furry little face.

Snuffles came up to me while they were preparing my box and said, "Dont' cry little Snuff, your going to make someone very happy. I'll send you lots of postcards and stuff, so you'll never be homesick!" And with that, he gave me a bear hug and off I went in my little box to Pennsylvania, in the United States!

Well, when I got here, I was greeted by a very excited Holly and her friend Janet. I was hugged, kissed, even quiffed! But, I was still homesick and I missed my good friend Snuffles ever so much.

Then, one day a week later, another box from the Gund factory came to Holly and inside was my very best friend, Snuffles! I was ever so happy to see him, as was he and we have had nothing but fun since he arrived. And since that day, I haven't been as homesick because I have my memories and my best friend to keep me company.

The End

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