The Holly World's Favorite Movies


1. Psycho
2. Dracula (with Bela Lugosi)
3. The Shinning (with Jack Nicholson)
4. Scream
5. Carrie


1. Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition
2. Star Trek: First Contact
3. Ladyhawke
4. Mars Attacks!
5. Willow


1. Batman/Batman Returns/Batman Forever
2. Air Force One
3. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
4. Three Musketeers

Black Comedy

1. Grosse Pointe Blank
2. Death Becomes Her
3. Moonstruck
4. War of the Roses


1. Aladdin
2. Anastasia
3. The Last Unicorn
4. Lady and the Tramp
5. The Secret of Nimh


1. Gone With the Wind
2. Wuthering Heights
3. Jane Eyre
4. Cleopatra
5. The Philadelphia Story


1. Can-Can
2. Evita
3. West Side Story
4. White Christmas
5. Gigi

Holiday Movies

1. White Christmas
2. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
3. A Christmas Story
4. Miracle on 34th Street (with Natalie Wood)
5. It's A Wonderful Life
