Teen Movie-Goers are Inconsiderate

Have you ever been sitting in the movie theater trying to pay attention to the movie while the people behind you are talking all the time? Of course you have, it happens to everyone of us, and I would bet anything, half of us have done it too! Ok, so it�s not so annoying when you�re the one talking, but when your trying to pay attention to Leonardo DiCaprio, people talking behind you is pretty distracting.

Here�s the scenario: I was at the movies this past weekend watching The Man in the Iron Mask, so I could write a movie review. Well, I was psyched for this movie, I mean I love Alexander Dumas, swashbuckling, the whole schlemiel, but just as the movie was starting, two young teen-age girls (who else would come to see a Leonardo movie?) come into the theater and take the seats behind me. All of a sudden, �there arose such a clatter! I sprang from my seat to see what was the matter.� It was the girls behind me, kicking my seat! Now, for some people this might be a gentle plea to move your big head out of their way, but when you�re as small as I am, I don�t think that�s what they meant. Well, me being the kind wonderful person I am (ok, stop laughing!), decided to move a little to the side anyways.

Could this get any worse? Of course! When they got tired of kicking my chair, they commenced talking through the entire movie. Well, now how am I supposed to watch this movie, paying careful attention to Leonardo, when the people behind me want to prevent that? How rude!

Needless to say, this was getting VERY annoying and by the end of the movie, I was considering taking one of the musketeers sword�s and challenging them to a duel for movie privileges. Of course I would never do that, so I sat there in my seat with steam coming out of my ears.

So, the movie (though slightly boring), was a total bust due to some very rude patrons keeping me from seeing Leonardo play a king!
--Holly Koppel: The Wilson Billboard

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