The Sleepover

Hiya everyone! This is Chad Bear and Snuff! We know we've already written a story, but we begged Bigfoot to let us tell our story about our sleepover adventure.

Well, Holly left school Thursday night for an interview, and left me and Snuff in the care of her neighbor, Janet. We were frightened little bears because of all the scary noises out in the hallway from the previous nights, but Janet told us everything would be alright.

Once we got settled in Janet's room, we met up with our new bestest friend, the Phillie Phanatic. The Phanatic isn't a bear, but we like him anyways. Janet placed us right next to him and we spent most of the weekend chatting and taking care of things in Janet's room. We had lots of fun, and were even a little sad that we had to go home, but Holly says that maybe (just maybe!) on the way to Janet's house after school, we can ride with Janet and the Phanatic! Yea!

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